Solve for Tomorrow Season 2: Team JALRAAJ is Innovating to Solve Drinking Water Crisis With Their Sustainable Water Filter

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One of the top 10 solvers of Solve for Tomorrow season 2, team JALRAAJ is the endeavor of Aman Verma from Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh.


The duo is on an innovative journey to address the drinking water shortage with a sustainable solution under the ‘Environment and Sustainability’ theme of the national education and innovation competition.


To solve the issue sustainably, the team conceptualized JALRAAJ, a heavy water filtration plant that converts saline seawater into drinking water using renewable energy sources such as sunlight and wind. A vital feature of this filtration plant will be its portability, making it easier to transport and use in remote locations. The filtration plant will utilize an evaporation and condensation method to separate salt from seawater and convert it into drinkable water.


Team JALRAAJ believes there’s a need to address the growing lack of drinking water sustainably, and their innovative heavy water filtration innovation has the potential to do so. This dynamic duo is currently on course to refine their idea into a functional product under the esteemed guidance of FITT, IIT Delhi professionals, and Samsung experts.


We spoke with Aman to get an insight into the team’s expectations with their Solve for Tomorrow journey, “Our innovation will help us and our future generations. We believe we can make it into reality under the expert guidance of IIT Delhi experts and solve the water crisis.”



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