Solve For Tomorrow Season 2: Team TEG is ambitious about Creating Sustainable Energy from Food Wastage

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Team TEG is the joint venture of Abhinav Dutta and Mithus Nandish Reddy from Lakhimpur, Assam. Their innovative quest is to address the rising amount of food waste and its harmful disposal in landfills under the ‘Environment and Sustainability’ theme of Solve for Tomorrow season 2.


To achieve their goal, the duo has conceptualized a cost-effective Biogas Digester that will use food waste from cafeterias and convert it into biogas. The inspiration behind their innovation came after Abhinav and Mithus witnessed that every day a huge amount of food was being wasted in their school cafeteria.


Team TEG believes that their Biogas Digester will significantly reduce the reliance on landfills for dumping food waste while creating sustainable energy. The duo has used old water tanks as the base and simple-modified geysers as biodiesel reactors to keep their Biogas Digester cost-effective and easy to make. Furthermore, once the biogas is successfully extracted from the digesters, the by-product can be used as an effective and eco-friendly source of manure for farming processes.


As part of the ongoing Solve for Tomorrow season 2 phase, team TEG is refining their project into a market-ready product under the esteemed guidance of FITT, IIT Delhi, and Samsung experts.

Here’s a video capturing team TEG’s innovative spirit and determination amid their Solve for Tomorrow journey.


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