What’s New in Solve for Tomorrow 2024 for Youth in India?

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Innovators stand apart from others through their distinctive thinking, problem-solving, and action approach. They are constantly driven by the urge to explore and disrupt conventional norms. But when the innovators’ mind is combined with the right support and mentorship, they can turn their ideas into reality. So, here we are, to satiate this urge for innovation with the third edition of Samsung’s flagship CSR initiative, ‘Solve for Tomorrow,’. Let’s know more about what’s new this year:


  1. Introduction of a ‘School Track’

For the first time, ‘Solve for Tomorrow’ includes a ‘school track’ specifically for students aged 14-17. This track, alongside the existing ‘youth track’ for college students aged 18-22, allows younger participants to present their innovative ideas. The school track was introduced in response to overwhelming interest from school students, enabling them to participate under the theme of ‘community and inclusion.’ ‘Community Champion,’ the winning team of School Track, will receive INR 25 Lakh grant for prototype advancement.


  1. Human-Centered Design Thinking Workshops

This edition also debuts the first-ever design thinking workshops for young school students. These workshops focus on enhancing soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, probing, and creativity using the Human-Centered Design Thinking framework. This unique module encourages participants to “think like a designer” by emphasizing human values, radical collaboration, visualization, action-oriented bias, deferring judgments, and embracing experimentation.


Key features of this module include:

  • Human-Centered Design: A process that places people affected by the problem at the center, ensuring solutions are tailored to real needs.
  • Innovative Problem-Solving: Utilizing design world processes and tools to make creative leaps in real-world applications.
  • Focused Methodologies: Enabling participants to think like designers, focusing on human values, collaboration, and experimentation.


Participants will navigate through the following stages:

  1. a) Empathy
  • Conduct user interviews to understand personal stories and situations.
  • Articulate difficulties and capture emotions.
  1. b) Define
  • Define the problem statement based on interview notes.
  • Observe patterns and identify major pain points and causes.
  1. c) Ideate
  • Generate and refine idea solutions.
  • Seek feedback to enhance and further develop solutions.
  1. d) Prototype
  • Create prototypes in various formats such as storytelling, paper, digital, or physical models.
  1. e) Test
  • Share prototypes with users, gather feedback, and iterate for improvement.
  1. Additional Benefits and Opportunities
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Participants will receive mentorship from industry experts, mentors, and senior leadership from the tech ecosystem.
  • Exposure: Interactions with members from IIT Delhi, Samsung leadership, and media partners, along with the opportunity to be featured in an exclusive documentary.
  • Bilingual Presentations: Presentations can be made in both English and Hindi, breaking language barriers and encouraging participation from students in tier-2 and tier-3 cities.
  • Innovation Walk: Semi-finalists will visit Samsung’s R&D centers in India for experiential learning, culminating in a National Pitch Event at IIT Delhi.


By participating in this year’s ‘Solve for Tomorrow,’ young innovators will not only get access to hone their skills but also contribute to meaningfully to the society. So, what are you waiting for? Apply for Samsung Solve for Tomorrow at https://www.samsung.com/in/solvefortomorrow/ till 5 pm on May 31, 2024.


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