Serving Up the Smart Kitchen

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Samsung’s vision for the Smart Home includes a revolutionary kitchen


JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, 13 December 2018 – The kitchen of the future will be a connected, multi-functional space that is profoundly different to the one we now know. According to the ‘Global Kitchen’ report* released by the Silestone Institute, it will include hydroponic crops to provide food with the shortest possible distance from ‘farm’ to plate, 3D food printers that allow users to download and ‘print’ recipes, adjustable-height worktops embedded with digital surfaces and smart fridges with smart screens that provide nutritional advice.


Rather than being an independent space used almost solely for cooking, it is expected that the kitchen will develop into a multi-functional space. As an independent room, it is predicted to disappear. This shift will rely largely on the development of the kitchen as a ‘smart’ room; hyper-connected and technologically advanced. In order to make this happen, smart appliances and mobile wearable devices will come into play, which will not only make shopping and laundry easier, but ensure endless access to useful information through the Internet of Things (IoT).


“Samsung’s mission is to have all our devices internet-connected by 2020. We see the home of the future as one that is seamlessly connected by devices and appliances that speak to one another. The Smart Home is coming and it will be created by this revolutionary multi device experience,” says Reginald Nxumalo, Director of Consumer Electronics at Samsung South Africa.


IoT has the potential to transform our society, economy and how we live our lives. In fact, the possibilities are already light years from where we were just a decade ago. Samsung is already leading this technological revolution, by creating an ecosystem in which all devices and appliances can interact smoothly. The foundation of this connected ecosystem is a unified, powerful cloud that will be accessible through a single SmartThings app. The SmartThings Cloud is an open platform that ‘talks’ to your mobile device, home appliances, TV and household sensors like a personal assistant relaying your instructions.


These innovative features will apply to all appliances. From anywhere inside or outside the house, you will be able to instantly start, pause or adjust settings on your appliances, monitor remaining times and receive finish alerts. Ultimately, this is a mere taste of what’s to come. The kitchen of the future will turn our mobile devices into multi-functional and intuitive remote control that makes life so much easier.




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