‘Samsung Love and Care’ Campaign Offers Underprivileged Students in Sangkhom, Thailand a Helping Hand

on April 11, 2017
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A drive to uplift people’s way of life is deeply rooted at Samsung, which is why on March 21, more than 60 Samsung Thailand volunteers made 700-kilometer trip from Bangkok to Sangkhom, a small district in Thailand’s Nong Khai province, to help a community in need through the ‘Samsung Love and Care’ campaign.


They were joined by representatives of Power Pro (Northeastern) Co., Ltd., a local distribution partner of Samsung’s, and volunteers from the World Vision Foundation of Thailand (WVFT), a child-focused organization that recently opened an office in Nong Khai. The welfare-improving initiative provided Sangkhom’s Bann Nong School with the first form of charitable assistance it had never received, and marked the first CSR activity organized in the area by a private company.


The goal of Samsung Love and Care is to enrich underprivileged communities across Southeast Asia and Oceania by improving their quality of life, particularly with regard to education and the environment. Samsung Thailand has participated in the initiative since its inception, regularly organizing efforts to offer communities in different corners of the country a helping hand.



The students of Bann Nong School, volunteers and teachers worked together to renovate the school, repaint murals, and plant a garden and refurbish another, which will eventually serve as a fruitful food source as part of a garden-to-table school lunch program.



Samsung Thailand volunteers also taught the students how to use the Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet to benefit their studies – a demonstration that drew plenty of smiles and laughs and also promoted technology literacy.



At the end of the event, Samsung gave each student and teacher a souvenir, and volunteers shared their impressions of the day’s memorable activities.



“Alongside my daily duties, it is my honor today to serve as a volunteer who was able to do something good for others in need,” said Mr. Nitipont Khongkiattikul, an employee of Samsung Thailand’s AV Business team. “The most essential thing that fuels my heart is the smiles of children, as both our side and theirs has a golden opportunity to share happiness. This truly is a mutual, impressive bliss.”


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