European NX300 Championship of Speed Kicks Off in London!

on June 18, 2013
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On May 31st, Samsung Electronics launched its pan-European campaign with a ‘battle of the bloggers’ event in England, The NX300 Championship of Speed. In this fast-paced campaign, bloggers from Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, the Netherlands and France travelled to London for an action-packed two days, competing in ten challenges to capture and share this year’s theme of ‘speed’ in stunning detail, using Samsung’s NX300 digital camera.


The NX300 Championship of Speed participants


The first challenge was The Superfast Speed Boat Challenge. It was a high-speed boat ride in Portsmouth that tested both the nerves and photography skills of the contestants as they captured shots from the rocky deck of the boat.


The Superfast Speed Boat Challenge.


The boat docked and contestants went on to the Goodwood Estate in Sussex, where they were dazzled by the iconic motor circuit and England’s most attractive horse riding course, and again, took some amazing pictures.


horse riding course


The evening ended with a live performance by chart topping group “Rudimental,” performing songs from their UK #1 album ‘Home’. The contestants unleashed their creativity and produced outstanding pictures by using long exposure and light tracing features to capture the energy of the musical performance and lights.


On the second day, the bloggers participated in five new challenges, including a scramble for shots around London’s famous Borough Market, known as one of the Beatles’ favorites, as well as a death-defying 40mph elevator ride to the top floor of Europe’s tallest building, The Shard.


The NX300 Championship of Speed five new challenges


After the exhausting challenges, they enjoyed the evening with a taste of the traditional English Pimms liqueur and a ride on the giant ferris wheel, the London Eye.


The NX300 Championship of Speed london eye


The competition wasn’t over yet though! It is a competition, so the winners still have to be declared! The best photos the bloggers tookover the course of the two-day event will be published on the official Facebook page. Then Facebook users (that means you!) will have the chance to vote for their country’s ultimate winner from June 14th for two weeks. What’s in it for the winners? They will be crowned as the national champions and will have the chance to meet the King of Speed, Usain Bolt, in Paris this July. The winners will be announced by June 27th.


The only way you will have a say in the lucky winners will be to vote on a photo that you like the most or a photojournalist that you believe best represents your country. Have a look at some truly vibrant photos and go ahead and vote for your favorite!


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