Get to Know the Gear Fit2

on August 29, 2016
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Featuring automatic activity detection and support for a variety of exercises, the Gear Fit2 GPS sports band keeps track of vital fitness data without breaking a sweat. But how exactly does it work, and how can it help you reach your personal health goals? Here are a few common questions and answers to help you get better acquainted with the versatile fitness tool.



Q. What kinds of exercises can the Gear Fit2 track?


Experts advise taking a well-rounded approach to personal fitness, which is why the Gear Fit2 was designed to be game for a wide range of sports and activities.


Automatic activity detection means that the Gear Fit2 can automatically sense a number of aerobic exercises as soon as the user engages in active movements for 10 minutes—the minimum amount of time for these exercises to be effective. The Gear Fit2 can sense up to five cardio exercises, ranging from running, walking, cycling as well as workouts on the rowing machine and the elliptical trainer.


As for anaerobic exercises such as crunches, lunges, and squats, users can manually set the Gear Fit2 to count the number of reps on behalf of the user.



Q. I’m trying out a regular exercise routine for the first time. Can the Gear Fit2 help me get started on the right foot?


The Gear Fit2 was designed for both fitness enthusiasts and casual exercisers alike. The Super AMOLED display allows you to check your performance, track reps and monitor your progress toward fitness targets while also providing feedback to help you better understand what that data means in terms of your overall health.


The curved, hi-resolution screen also serves as a highly effective visual aid, displaying, for certain exercises, handy animations illustrating proper technique to help you master their form and exercise more efficiently.


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Q. How does the HR monitor help me exercise smarter?


As you exercise, or simply carry on with your day, the Gear Fit2’s heart-rate monitor automatically measures your heart rate at regular intervals, providing insight into your daily patterns of exertion.


During workouts, such monitoring allows you to keep track of how strenuously you’re exercising so you can adjust accordingly. The Gear Fit2 displays your current heart rate and helps guide you to reach your vigorous-intensity zone—your body’s optimal heart rate range for effective exercise— keeping you focused and motivated by ensuring maximum efficiency in your workout.



Q. What else does the Gear Fit2 monitor?


While your personal fitness is the Gear Fit2’s main focus, its function extends beyond the scope of gyms and morning runs.


The Gear Fit2 also boasts sleep tracking capability, automatically analyzing your sleep status whenever you doze for an hour or more and displaying relevant data on screen.


Additionally, the Gear Fit2 is capable of displaying your friends’ daily step status. Syncing the device with the S Health app allows users to engage in friendly step challenges with rivals. Graphs of both parties’ daily step progress can be displayed on screen, keeping you up to date on how far ahead—or behind—you may be, and adding healthy motivation to your daily exercise routine.


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Q. How accurate is the GPS?


With built-in accelerometer and GPS sensors, the Gear Fit2 allows you to keep track of both how far you travel and at what speed, completely independent of a mobile phone.


GPS operates on satellite signals, and connections are sometimes obstructed by environmental variables such as an abundance of buildings in an area or particularly cloudy skies. The Gear Fit2, however, benefits from updated software that streamlines your GPS connection during outdoor exercise.



Q. Can the Gear Fit2 store my music as well?


Absolutely. The Gear Fit2 offers Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to seamlessly navigate your phone’s music library as you power through your workout. But it also features a standalone music player and 4GB of internal storage, if you’d rather leave your phone at home.


And with the Samsung Gear app you can even transfer songs between your smartphone and your Gear Fit2. Just go to the Gear Fit2’s Music Player app, change the setting to Gear Music mode, choose the playlists or songs that best suit your exercise, and you’re good to go.



Q. Which strap is best for me?


The Gear Fit2’s strap comes in two sizes: small and large. For those with rather thin wrists, measuring anywhere from 125 to 170 mm, the small strap will suit you just fine. For bigger wrists, measuring anywhere from 155 to 210 mm, go with the large strap.


Both are light and easy to wear, completing a sleek and unobtrusive aesthetic that’s suitable for both the gym and everyday use.

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