Introducing the Jelly Bean-Flavored GALAXY S Ⅲ

on November 13, 2012
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* The product featured in the video is an LTE version of the GALAXY S III available in Korea. Please note that specifics of the product may be different from your local versions. Please also note that the availability of the Jelly Bean upgrade may differ by a number of different factors including but not limited to the version, carrier and location (region) of your device.



Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich and… Jelly Bean! Earlier this year, Google announced Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and a lot of Android users have been excited. So has Samsung and we’ve worked very very hard to bring the benefits to our users ASAP. To help you better understand the benefits of Jelly Bean, Samsung Tomorrow came up with a short video to show you what’s cool about it.



What’s new on Jelly Bean?




1. Project Butter, Faster and smoother


Faster and smoother screen transitions are one of the first things you’ll notice. Jelly Bean, also called ‘Project Butter’ by its creators, was designed to be super smooth. Yes we hope you notice it.



2.  Freestyle Widget, Widgets that go with your flow! 


Have you been frustrated when setting up your home screen because other widgets were in your way? You will feel much better dealing with widgets now because you can drag and smoothly drop widgets anywhere you want. Other widgets and icons graciously move out of your way.



3. Notification, Jelly Bean shows you more at a glance


The Notification Bar got even better. You get all kinds of things with your messages these days – it’s not just text. While the previous preview only showed you text previews, Jelly Bean now allows you to see attachments on your messages and emails.



4. Google Now, Jelly Bean reads your mind!


Google Now function provides you with relevant information depending on your search history and location information. It automatically provides real-time information about weather, news, traffic, sports results, exchange rates and whatnot. Say hello to your new mini-secretary.



5.  Accessibility, see Jelly Bean with your ears?!!


Jelly Bean is for everybody, even those who are visually impaired. Voice recognition and talk back functions help navigate through your Jelly Bean-flavored GALAXY device. Gestures also provide an easy and intuitive way to interact with your phone.



What else comes with the GALAXY Jelly Bean upgrade?





1.  Improved app folders


Folders aren’t just for PCs, a lot of mobile users use them to organize their apps. Now with the Jelly Bean upgrade, you can see the apps that you put in folders.



2. Shortcuts on Quick Panel


Quick Panel was a nice way to quickly turn functions such as WiFi, Bluetooth, Vibrate and so on on and off. But to access detailed settings, you needed to go to your menu or app tray. Now you can enter each setting menu by holding the buttons on the Quick Panel. Very convenient!



3. Popup Play, size and play videos are you wish!


Pop-Up Play was popular from the start. But sometimes you just wish you could make the Pop-Up screen a bit larger – or a bit smaller. With Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, you can now do just that.



4. Smart Rotation, Roll with me


Remember Smart Stay – the function where the GALAXY SⅢ recognizes your eyes and keeps the screen on when you’re watching? Well Samsung just took that function to another level. The GALAXY SⅢ Jelly Bean upgrade has Smart Rotation, which recognizes users’ face direction. So now, even if you have ‘auto-rotate’ on, the screen will rotate (or not) with you. No more annoying ‘darn I gotta turn the auto-rotate off to read in my bed.’



5. Facebook Integration, if you need a secretary?


Many people share and communicate using Facebook. Facebook services are now more deeply integrated into the Galaxy S III. Jelly Bean marks your facebook friends’ birthdays in your Planners and you can send happy birthday messages on your friends’ birthdays right away.



6. Camera wait, record, and wait, and record and…


When you’re recording a video, sometimes you just want to pause for a bit. Well then, okay! Galaxy S III provides a ‘pause’ function for its camera. If you want to pause your camera recording, press ‘pause’ button at the bottom lightly. Then, the recording stops and you can re-start it by pressing the same button again.



7. Blocking Mode – for when you don’t want to be bothered


Designate a time you want your phone to be on ‘Blocking Mode’ and the GALAXY SⅢ will screen calls, messages and notifications until you’re ready for them. For urgent calls, you can choose specific numbers you don’t want to screen so you don’t get in trouble for not picking up your wife’s phone call while you were avoiding your boss – or is it vice versa?



Well, that’s that! Some of the few reasons you should be excited about your Jelly Bean upgrade!



*All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.

**App availability can differ by country and device.





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