More Customization, More Fun: A Look at What’s to Come in Samsung’s AR Emoji Update

on July 23, 2018
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By putting a friendly face to the thoughts and emotions that we share with friends and family every day, Samsung’s AR Emojis enable us to express ourselves in more meaningful ways. The feature’s latest update* introduces improved facial tracking as well as a raft of fun customization options that will make it even easier for your AR Emoji to capture your individuality.


With the update, after users snap a selfie to generate their AR Emoji, they’ll be able to easily make detailed adjustments to their AR Emoji’s hair, ears and facial features. This means that, for instance, when a child creates an AR Emoji, they’ll be able to adjust the shape of their face so that it more closely mirrors their own. And if you feel like your AR Emoji’s eyes, nose, lips, cheeks or other facial features are in need of a touch-up, the new My Emoji Editor function offers simple tools to fine-tune these distinguishing characteristics.



The update also enhances AR Emoji’s face-tracking function with a 65-percent increase in ‘landmark detector’ points. This will ensure that features such as your eyes and mouth are tracked more precisely. And thanks to the update’s frame rate boost, your AR Emoji will be able to mimic your movements in a manner that’s smoother and more natural.



*Availability may vary depending on market.

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